The Profit Guides are your no bullsh*t, set of worksheets and checklists that help you build your "Long-Term Marketing Advantage system(LTMAS)" to deliver new jobs with your ideal clients as easy as turning on your faucet. It's like having your own personal consultant right in your pocket.
Inside the guides you'll learn:
Which tasks on your massive to do list will move the needle the most. (It's not the same for everyone)
What are the things you should be doing and what should you hire out for! (You probably have this backwards)
How to predict exactly what you will make on any given day and in any given month (No more guessing or stressing about whether or not you'll be able to pay the bills)
Not sure if the "Guides" are for you? No problem take the Client Acquisition Accelerator quiz instead and get a FREE custom report identifying your personal 'LTMAS' strengths and weaknesses!
You’ve heard it all before from desperate marketing agencies...
The same old generic copywriter story designed to make you think they understand what you're struggling with.
It always seems to look like:
“How’s business?”
Two words, a simple question, but man did I hate that
‘Great, It's a lot of work but it's going good!’.
What a fucking lie.
On the surface everything looked great, there was decent
money coming in.
Everything looked like things were all going well.
That's definitely not how I felt.
I was struggling.
My business was so close to the edge of failure.
I felt like any small problem could tear the whole thing
The hard truth? I was right.
What's more is you’re in the same spot.
Dangerously close to the edge, where one tiny misstep is
all, it would take for everything to crumble.
Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe it doesn't
have to be like that...blah blah blah”
Then, they come in and try and tell you how they’re different and promise you the world. It’s like a bad song stuck in your head that just doesn’t go
It sucks and we all hate it.
Just to get the awkward out of the way, I want you to know right off the bat that I might not be able to help you.
I’m not a marketer, I’ve never run a marketing agency, and I definitely don’t know your business better than you do.
But...what I am really good at is taking complex complicated tasks and simplifying them into easy to use systems that just work.
And no, I am not selling you a course, coaching program, or some webinar, Facebook group or any other gimmicky bullshit like that.
So, if you’re tired of having “marketers” and “gurus” tell
you how to run your business.
Frustrated by the lack of ROI, and hearing how
“you just need better ads or videos, or content”
then read on and I’ll explain how the one decent thing I am good at might allow you to finally fire your
marketing agency and take full control of your future.
See I've spent years learning how people sell & market
things in a way that gets people to buy it. Want to know the secret that I
found? It has nothing to do with better ads, more persuasive copy, better
photos, graphics, or anything else like that. And anyone that tries to tell you
different, does so because they have something to gain.
The most successful businesses, salesman, and marketers all
rely on the same thing. Unfortunately, it’s so simple you might just decide
it’s not true and write me off.
That’s fine with me. I and everyone else that “gets it” will be just fine making all the money we want to. So, without further ado the secret is this:
Every high performing successful business or organization all follow & execute on the same system over and over again.
That’s it. That’s the secret. Now, before you go and get disappointed & think this is just bullshit, give me a chance to prove it to you.
Before I do, I just want to make sure you don't waste your
time, let me go over who this is not for, and it might not be for you:
This is not for the guy that has an “idea” that they want to turn into a business. If you are that person, please don’t be offended because that is not my intention.
If you are looking for a bunch of theories, and book knowledge that covers every psychological “hack” to get someone to buy something by tweaking this one word in your ad, then this is also not for you.
If you are generating less than $500,000 in revenue or you have less than 3 years of experience operating a business of some kind. You are still figuring out how to just plain work and run a business and what I have to go over would be like putting a 16 year old behind the wheel of an Aston Martin. Just plain stupid.
You want the next "magic pill" or "silver bullet”, so you don't have to work. There aren't any, those don't exist, and you won't find them here.
You are the type of guy that always has an excuse or pointing fingers. (This is more of just a personal preference; I hate those guys and can't stand to have anything to do with them.)
You are not willing to test new things, or you say things like "that's nice for them, but my business is different that would never work with my business". You are right. I don't have the time nor the desire to argue with you on that. What I am about to go over is not for you, it won't work for you, and you should just keep doing everything that you’re doing right now.
If you’re still here, and you are a no frills “meat and potatoes” salt of the earth type of guy. The type that don’t need an appetizer, fancy presentations, or the "right mood", then this might be for you. This is for those guys who want to get down to the nitty-gritty of what’s really going to make a difference in their business. It’s for those that want solid reliable systems and tools that will set their sales on fire, and have customers lining up at their door, online or off.
My name's Richard. I live in Northeast Ohio just South of Cleveland, but grew up in a small town outside of Lafayette, Indiana called Rossville.
When I say small, I do mean small. My hometown only had about 1500 people in it. Right after high school I did 8 years, serving in an infantry
unit for the U.S. Army National Guard. I went to Basic and AIT at Fort Benning
Georgia AKA Sandhill.
Yea I know I should probably get some updated headshots, just don't worry about it :) okay?
I had the honor of having Drill Sergeants that were part of Special Forces and Airborne Rangers teach me how to be a soldier. It wasn’t till I was at my first unit where I was part of the scouts & sniper section, that something my Drill Sergeants said made sense:
“The difference between rangers, delta force, special forces, etc., and normal infantry units has nothing to do with the high speed equipment, 'better' training, or more advanced tactics. The difference is that the elite units never don’t do the basics”
– Drill Sgt. Stockton*
*Since hearing him say that I have heard it so many other places so, in full fairness I don’t know if he came up with it or not, but he is the first guy I heard it from
Once I left the military I moved to Indianapolis and got a job in sales working for a life insurance company. After a year I was given the opportunity to open up my own office in a new territory the agency was expanding to. Within two years my office was on pace to hit $1,000,000.00. (I know now looking back that wasn’t all that impressive but, in a company, where the average agency doesn’t break a million dollars, before they hit 5 years, I was proud.)
Me (on the left) with a few of my associates at an event to honor the top performers in the company.
Was I some gifted, natural-born salesmen? No, definitely not. Growing up I actually hated anything and everything that had to do with sales. Was I given special treatment?
Also no. My office was about six or so hours round trip from the main office support. Because of this we had less support, and less interactions with the tenured sales agents.
The secret was that we “never didn’t do the basics”. We had the same leads, same scripts, same everything. The reason my office was successful was because we had a system and we followed it every damn day.
You might be asking yourself right now, If you were so successful why did you quit?
No one just walks away if they were actually successful. Well, I did, for one simple but absolutely valid reason. I was fucking miserable.
Every day started to look the same. I would wake up and head to the office at about 9am pretty much before anyone else got there. I would get everything opened up, put on some coffee and then sit down at my desk to "work" on my business.
Working on my business usually consisted of answering emails, handling admin tasks like trying to make sure numbers were being tracked appropriately, checking to see if there were any new resumes to filter through and call in hopes of finding decent applicants. The rest of my team would be here by now which meant that on
most days I would need to get them started on some type of group training on some sort of topic that was causing them to struggle with sales usually objection handling and just actually doing the damn job.
While they were working together as a group, I would start to pull each of them aside and go over specific areas they needed to improve on and review their numbers with them so that they were staying aware of their metrics.
After they were done with the daily training it was time for them to start working on booking appointments, or running already booked appointments, or whatever was the priority that day.
While they did that, I would go back to my office and work on tweaking and trying to optimize our sales scripts and processes, trying to improve conversion rates and make it easier.
Team training session before a field day
Then for the last bit of my day I would run my appointments, or book appointments so that I could know that regardless of what anyone else was doing there would at least be some sort of revenue coming in. Finally, I'd go home around 9-10pm at night just to go to bed and do it all over again.
I started to question everything I was doing. At the end of the first year, I was looking back at my finances, and I realized that I had "made" close to 3 or 4 times as much as I had made when I was still a W-2 employee.
But, I had almost nothing to show for it. I was moderately successful and had grown my business to where that 2nd year we were on pace to double our revenue.
However, between the costs of training new guys, costs of generating customers, day to day living expenses I was still broke. Hell, after accounting for taxes I was losing money.
I always worked hard, growing up in the country meant that 12 to 14 hour days splitting wood, or working around the "farm" were normal. So pulling 70 to 80 hour weeks working 7 days a week morning to night seemed normal to me. But after seeing how much I "made" after all of that hard work just sort of broke me. I felt like this couldn't just be how it is. I felt like something must have been wrong because I didn't know anyone that really outworked me, at least not by any large degree. It seemed to me that there had to be something broken about what I was doing, because, if you are working all day every day on your business and you are staying at the same level then you are working on the wrong things.
At first, I talked to some of my peers, to which they just said hey man that's how it is you just have to keep going and put your head down. So, I did for a while, after all at the time it was just me and I didn't have anything else going on, no personal life, no pets, nothing so what else was I going to do.
If I were being honest there was also some fear, like I knew that I wanted something different, but I was making more money than I had ever made. Before this, I was working in restaurants where my best year ever was just over $36,000. So, this business was the closest thing I had to a miracle in my life, and I just didn't know how else I would make the money that I was making.
Then I met my wife. I know it’s cliché and corny but, she changed everything for me. She was and is the most encouraging and supportive person that I have ever met. At the time we lived 3+ hours apart and it was hell. I was never home. I was never able to see our kids. It was just hell. God love her she did everything she could to make it easier. Traveling to me rather than making me come to her. Bringing the kids when she could etc. But I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted a life.
I started obsessively searching for something to change, some way to be able to still run my business and have a life at the same time. I started to get hyper analytical on every piece of my business. What I found was that even though I was constantly trying to improve our sales system, there was just not much more I could do there.
We were calling and setting appointments with people that had filled out and mailed in a response card requesting to have someone discuss insurance benefits that were being made available to them. On the surface, it seems like a very high intent lead. The problem was that while the purpose of our visit was fully detailed and spelled out, all the people remembered, if they remembered anything at all, was the free package that was offered to incentivize them to fill out the response card.
So, by the time I or someone on my team tried to get in contact with them, which could be 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, a month or more later; We would only get about 10 to 15% on the phone. About half of the people, we talked to would turn into an appointment, around 60% would keep the appointment, and of those we would close and sell about 30 to 40%.
If we started with 100 leads, about 10 to 15 people would pick up the phone to talk to us, after calling through the list twice. Of those 10 to 15 we would set 5 to 8 appointments, which would turn into 3 to 5 presentations, which would then result in 1 to 3 sales.
Sure, there were other ways we could use to increase those numbers like showing up at the houses of the leads that didn't answer the phone and knock on their door, which was effective, but also draining. We also put a heavy focus on collecting referrals, which was also effective. However, with all of these additional activities you would increase your personal workload. Hence the 70-to-80-hour weeks.
Looking at the math, the number that if changed, would make the biggest difference in our conversions would be increasing the number of people we got on the phone. To me, at the time, it seemed like that meant I needed better quality leads.
At first, I started looking at possibly buying leads from lead vendors, but that would just be an added cost and I couldn't really afford that and there was no guarantee that the vendor was giving me leads that weren't being sold to other people as well. I also looked at hiring a marketing agency to generate leads for me as well. I nearly choked when during the sales call with the agency, they said that I needed to pay them $3,000 per month on top of the suggested $1,500 to $2,000 per month on ad spend. Thanks, but no thanks I'd rather eat glass. Which left me with trying to figure out how to maybe do it myself.
I don't even know how I stumbled upon it, but I discovered response driven marketing which talked about there being a way to actually attract your ideal customer to you rather than just posting random videos or content hoping someone will reach out. That idea stuck with me and after I don't know how many hours of watching YouTube videos about targeting, and ad account set up, metrics to keep track of, etc., I figured it out and was able to set everything up and launch my first ad. Which failed miserably. I think I spent $500 or $700 to get 20 something leads and no sales.
I knew that I was close and that there had to be an answer, but I was not having a good time with my business at all. I decided that I couldn't do both, figure out this marketing thing and run this business it was just too much. So, after several long discussions with my wife, I quit. I handed over the whole business to my partner and senior team members and walked away. Although my saint of a wife for sure wanted me to stay, she supported me and my decision. I was terrified.
I spent the next year learning, trying what I learned, failing just to repeat the cycle. I was dashing when I could just to bring in some extra money and help out my wife who had taken over the majority of our bills. The problem I kept running into was that everything I read, and saw was always talking about creative, ads, and copywriting. Everyone kept saying that the big factor for your conversions in your ads came down to these skills that took years to master. You had to follow these rules and those rules, and it was just a lot to try and process.
Everything I tried kept failing, I couldn't get any traction on anything. I was getting depressed, stressed and frankly not that much fun to be around. I couldn't afford to do the things I wanted or provide the life that I wanted to provide for my wife and kids. I hated that my wife was working her ass off 70+ hours a week to keep us afloat. I felt like a failure. I felt like I just pushed my responsibility off on her to shoulder. The part that sucked the most, though, was that during Christmas my wife paid for every single gift on her own. I couldn't even afford to buy her anything but some shitty stocking stuffers. I don't think that I have ever been lower.
I finally stumbled upon an idea from Alen Sultanic that just blew my mind.
He suggested that rather than competing with everyone else in the copy,
creative, and marketing, you should instead compete on the economics of your
business model. Doing this would allow you to do some crazy things on the front
end of your ads and let you acquire a customer for free or maybe even at a
I was skeptical at first not going to lie. I wrote it off as just another gimmick. But math doesn't lie and when I finally looked at the numbers and saw how everything worked, it made sense. It just clicked, I finally realized that this guy was simply talking about putting the pressure on a system that works rather than relying on flimsy “tricks”. It finally made so much sense. He was talking just like my special forces drill sergeant.
To be clear neither he nor I are claiming that marketing,
copy, ad creative, etc., don't matter. They do, and you should, if possible, develop and practice that skill.
We are simply suggesting that the creative and the ads are not the most
important thing to focus on, at least in the beginning. Afterall there are only
so many ways that you can write a headline, a sales page, or arrange a graphic
or video.
What I realized is that just like the elite armed forces, the best marketers relied on basic principles and rules rather than fancy “creatives” or “better headlines”. So, combining this new realization with everything else I had learned, I saw the core “system” that all of the successful businesses were utilizing.
I call the system 'LTMA' or Long-Term Marketing Advantage. LTMA is simple to understand and really follows just these 3 principles:
Make sure you understand your target Niche, Narrative, and Networks.
Create long-term evergreen marketing assets you can own rather than temporary 'disposable' promotions.
Compete on the economics of your business rather than the creativity of your ads.
Once you follow these 3 principles then you'll be able to market your business better than 90% of the “marketing agencies” out there. You'll be able to transform your business from the delicate and unpredictable job with good months and bad, into the reliable, stable, and consistent machine that can grant you the time and freedom you deserve.
The Profit Guides is a collection of the information and worksheets I use in my business as well as the businesses I work with to develop the LTMA. The Profit Guides are a collection of frameworks through which I have seen businesses see 200%, 500%, 1,000%, even as high 10,000% improvements.
I can't guarantee that you will see results like those, unfortunately no one can there are simply too many variables. What I can guarantee is that the frameworks that are contained in these worksheets is perhaps one of if not the best shot you have.
But you see… LTMA, just isn’t for everyone.
And it may not be for you, it’s so simple, and it runs completely against all the “advice” the “guru’s” scream and holler about.
Many guys will think that it’s just too simple to work. Never mind the 100s if not 1,000s who have used the exact same principles to make them wildly successful and wealthy.
Yes, it is simple to learn and to put into use. Yes, the results you see will be dramatic and come seemingly overnight. But no, it’s not something you’ve ever seen before.
Therefore, I feel I must make this deal as easy to swallow as possible… or I’ll never get normal guys like you to try it. (And believe me it’ll change your life forever once you see what all the fuss is about!)
Click the Button and get your copy of The Profit Guides there will be one set aside for you in your name. And it will be rushed to your inbox.
BUT YOU’RE NOT RISKING A PENNY! Because, once you receive your copy, if you aren’t satisfied with the value, the detail, and the real-world methods and systems provided in the Guides… then I INSIST you contact me right away and ask for a complete, fast and full refund, But…
I Want You To
Keep The Guides
That means you’ve seen the entire system I’ve spent the better part of 5 years building and tweaking for FREE, if you so choose. And please – take as long as you want, once you have the designs, before you decide one way or the other. I want to make this as simple and convenient as possible for you… because it’s worth it.
I stand to lose a considerable amount on this deal… but I’m more confident than I’ve EVER been in my life that this is the final answer to shitty marketing agencies with poor performing ads. So, confident in fact, that I’m betting EVERYTHING on the ballsy concept of giving you as much time as you need to learn my system…or the whole thing is free.
If you don’t see the immediate value I’ve talked about, you’ve wasted nothing but a few moments of your time That’s all. You only pay if your absolutely convinced.
And I want you to keep the book, regardless, because… after you’ve had some time to see the other companies who use this system, you eventually might decide to give it a try. I know it will work for you, just as I’ve said it will… but I am so convinced you will see the value immediately, I’m willing to take all of the risk myself with my unprecedented…
Once you get your hands on my guides, you'll have the entire set of frameworks and instructions to build the LTMA machine, that I charge over $5,999 to personally build for clients just like you, for just $5.99.
Now just to be clear I'm a good guy but I'm not a saint, I plan to make a shit ton of money using this system. So, why only $5.99? Well, like I mentioned before, I sell my services to build the system for them, for a handsome fee of course. And had absolutely no plans on sharing how I do this on a large scale. Me and my wife would have been able to go off and live quite a comfortable life with our kids.
But, after doing the math I realized and therefore convinced my wife that if I put together a guide that illustrated and taught my exact step-by-step process for putting together a LTMA for any business… and sell that book to the guys running those businesses, for a fraction of my fee to do it for them or what they spend on agency retainers… So, many businesses worldwide would buy the book that I might actually make a better living by charging “spare change”. And I would be able to help more small businesses than I ever could, setting up one system at a time.
And my wife agreed… sort of. Actually, she made me a deal: we could “test” this low-cost offer in a few places, and if it did well, then the deal was on. If it didn’t however…
I agreed. I knew that in order for this to work though I couldn’t just do the tired free plus shipping book offer everyone does. Frankly, I just couldn’t afford to give away the type of book that would be able to effectively break down step-by-step how to build LTMA.
Besides, if I’m being honest, I’ve spent the better part of the last 5 years struggling and grinding away to figure this out. And I don’t want my hard work and quality product lumped together with the other “free” books out there. This sh*t was hard to figure out and I want that knowledge to be respected.
First, the good news.
This information is brand - spanking new - the frameworks, the way they’re put together, the strategy behind everything, has NEVER been shared by me before.
The small group of close business friends that have had a quick look swear that this is the best all encompassing customer acquisition system they have ever seen.
What you discover and once you build CAM for yourself, you truly will have an unfair advantage in your local marketplace.
Despite what you may have heard in the past by others, imagine for a moment, having the ability to get as many customers as you want or can handle while everyone else is still struggling to get by.
But, here’s the bad news.
Because of the deal with my wife, there are only 1000 guides available for this test drive and depending on the results of our deal it might not ever return.
Well, if my little test fails, I don’t really want a whole lot of copies of my system that I plan to sell as my plan B just floating around, you know? I don’t really need that much competition. So, yes, I AM limiting production of this book to 1000 copies only. Once they’re gone that’s it.
Right now, there are currently only 237 copies available for immediate sale. That’s all I have on hand right now.
Well, I strive for good customer service. I like my lifestyle and don’t want to have to build out a full customer service department just for this set of guides.
I fully expect the initial 247 copies to sell out within an hour or two. (If you saw all of the prep work, time, research, and testing you’d know this to be true) Which means that there is bound to be some customer service hiccups, on processing orders, and "shipping" orders, etc.
As this has been my baby for the last half decade, you can understand I prefer to handle this in-house with a couple trusted helpers, not just outsource it and create a ton of extra hassle.
You will have to act quick for sure.
Because you know as well as I do – this sales page is going out to hundreds of thousands if not millions of people right now. I’ve priced this book at a very reasonable rate so that almost anyone can buy a copy.
I expect the 237 copies to be gone before Sunday Brunch is done.
As for the other 463 copies – they’re going to be available as soon as possible but I imagine they’ll go just as quickly.
To get your copy simply click on the button below and it will take you to a new page where you can tell us how you want to immediately get access to your copy of The Profit Guides. Don’t Wait! Click the Button Now!
So, what’s stopping you?
Truth is, the only thing stopping you is your own doubt.
Admit it. You’re asking yourself things like…
Will this system really work?
Will this system really work for me?
Should I trust this guy about what he’s telling me?
All good questions, of course.
But it’s that very voice of doubt that is keeping you from moving forward.
I know it’s tough to swallow, but doubt is the reason most people don’t take action. They can’t believe that it can really be that easy, which is why consequently most people stay stuck.
P.S. You’re probably wondering, “Where are the bonuses?” Look, this system is extremely valuable on its own. I don’t need to bribe you to get you to buy these guides or throw in a bunch of stuff in order to justify the investment of $5.99 (even to raise the price to cover the costs).
I prefer to offer it on value alone because I know it works.
And you’re fully protected anyway. So, if you feel that The Profit Guides weren't worth it, and they didn’t deliver everything that you wanted and expected, simply
tell me that you want your money back. I’ll refund you immediately and you can keep the book. That’s more than a guarantee, that’s my word.
P.P.S. - Let’s be blunt, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I have a question for you.
What happens if something doesn't change with your business?
Have you thought about how the next 3 months, 6 months, 12
months might feel if you keep doing the same thing over and over and over
Are you willing to settle for that?
I'm not saying that overnight, your life will change just because you got these guides. I am saying that I put in well over 3,000 hours into developing this and I know that if you don't do anything then 12 months from now you’re going to be in the same spot doing the same shit, feeling stuffed down, shut down, suppressed, depressed, a true shell of who you want to be.
I didn’t want that for me, and I don’t want that for you.
So, get the guides and learn how to:
Make sure you understand your target Niche, Narrative, and Networks.
Create long-term evergreen marketing assets you can own rather than temporary 'disposable' promotions.
Compete on the economics of your business rather than the creativity of your ads.
All without sacrificing tons of time, money, and energy so you can finally become the person living the life you dreamed was possible when you first started your business.
Remember, It's Your Business. Own Your Success.
- Richard